Use of Interpreters

The course is aimed at all those who utalise the services of an Interpreter in order to conduct any form of interview through their work either paid or voluntary including staff within statutory, voluntary, community and independent sectors.

The language barrier can potentially have massive implications on the effectiveness of an investigation as a result of the investigator speaking to witnesses and suspects via a third party. This process produces a risk that what is said is not heard or that the answer given is lost in translation. 

The use of qualified language interpreters is essential to uphold a fair criminal justice system.

The right to liberty and security, and to a fair trial, are fundamental human rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and introduced into UK law in 1999. They include the right to interpretation where needed.


Course Outline

  • Fully understand your role 
  • Fully understand the role of the interpreter 
  • Learn from previous case law 
  • Understand current legislation and EU Directives 
  • Psychological factors relating to the dynamics of the interview environment 
  • Apply an appropriate decision making model 
  • Prepare for the Interview 
  • Interview planning & Strategy Development 
  • Briefing an Interpreter 
  • Listening and questioning skills 
  • Interview structure 
  • Apply a note taking model to all conversations 
  • Practical role play interview sessions 
  • Interview evaluation


Course Structure

The course is designed to meet all the required components of the National Occupation standards as set by Skills For Justice for Witness, Victims and Suspects.

Training has been constructed in accordance with the following legislation and guidance material: PEACE framework, Human Rights Act 1998 and complies to all recognised international interview guidance material.

The course is presented using a variety of learning styles such as: Board blasts, power-points, group work, exercises, and interview practical's.

Students are provided with a range of hand-outs to support their learning.

Each student will receive a written evaluation of their performance during relevant exercises.


Business Outcomes

Interviews that are professionally undertaken and quality assured can have several advantages for your business.

They are:

  • Direct an investigation
  • Support the prosecution case, which saves time, money and resources
  • Increases public confidence in your business
  • Reduces reputational risk
  • Prevent miscarriages of justice 
  • Delivering high quality training to nationally recognised occupational standards will enhance the reputation of your organisation

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Course Enquiry

If you would like to find out more about our courses, feel free to get in touch with us below.