P. E. A. C. E Investigative Interviewing Course
The ‘P. E. A. C. E. ’ framework of Investigative Interviewing provides a forensically robust model to secure complete, accurate, and reliable information in order to assis…
Cognitive Interviewing (CI) (ECI) Courses
The aim of Cognitive Interviewing is to increase the quantity and quality of information elicited from anyone whether in person or over the phone.
Conversation Management (CM) Courses
Within Investigative Interviewing the aim of Conversation Management (CM) is to put in place a structure for interviewing anyone who you may suspect to be providing false information …
Use of Interpreters
The course is aimed at all those who utalise the services of an Interpreter in order to conduct any form of interview through their work either paid or voluntary including staff within statutory, volu…
Note Taker
‘Notetaker’ is a system that has been developed, after extensive and on-going research, by FIS® Associate Kerry Marlow to improve the quality of interviews with clients by providing a system to help interviewe…